Well this sure has been a busy week! Last Tuesday I went into school to help out as normal but by the afternoon I knew I was coming down with the cold bug that's going round right now. So I had a quiet night in (although I managed to make 10 Christmas cards which I'll add later).
On Wednesday I took the boys to my parents after school for trick or treating. My parents love to take them around their neighbourhood and I stayed at theirs to hand out treats to other kids. My boys just LOVE halloween! They both came back heavy laden with goodies. And I've even managed to ration them to 2 pieces a day (plus a little help from me and David!). They still have some left almost a week later! The pictures above make it look like it was light when they went out but it wasn't! My dad took the pictures and didn't think they'd come out because of the dark, but his flash certainly worked!!
On Saturday we went to a Bonfire and Fireworks display at Thornes Park for Bonfire Night. We went to the park earlier so the boys could play in the playground, then we looked around the funfair, got some food, then watched the fire and fireworks. We spent a whole 5 hours down there! Fortunately the weather was quite mild, otherwise I wouldn't have managed that amount of time outdoors!!
Last night, Monday, we had the Ward Fireworks at the Beaumonts. We went earlier to help get the food ready. We had all the traditional bonfire night food (baked potatoes, sausages, pork pies, mushy peas, baked beans, then parkin, flapjack, toffee apples). It was well attended and enjoyed by all. As a Ward we are so blessed to have the Beaumonts who are so willing to open up their home and garden for us all to use so frequently! We share the our ward building with another ward and so they were using the building last night for their activity.
And this stinking cold still hasn't gone! It's getting better but not gone completely. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be back to full health, yeah!
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