Friday 25 June 2010


I'm trying to get my mojo back.

After the disappointment of not getting on the GTP for this year I'm attempting to lift myself back up. I just felt disheartened, gutted, angry, annoyed and other such emotions. I started to doubt my own abilities and potential and need to shake those feelings off. I still have moments when I feel 'why bother trying, I'm probably not good enough'. The fear of future rejection sometimes scares me into thinking can I bear trying again. And I know that's just stupid. And then I hear of other people's successes and that just magnifies my feelings of inadequacy again. This probably makes no sense to anyone. Just what AM I suppose to do with my life??? Answers on a postcard.............

1 comment:

renee' said...

I'm sad you're sad, no fun, no fair, big hugs from me to you. I'll be waiting to hear what "the other plans" are that are in store for you. The rainbow always comes after the storm. LOVE YOU!