Tuesday 3 February 2009

odds and sods

It's been a while since I blogged, I know.   Here's a bunch of random thoughts!

* I enjoyed a fab weekend just gone. On Sunday, my sister had her baby's blessing down in Derby. It as lovely to spend time with family (my other sis and her hubby from Scotland came down too). And it was lovely to have cuddles w
ith baby Eli too :)

* LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW!!  Yes, we've finally had a decent amount of snow (well overdue!). The biggest dumping of snow for 18 years they say.  The boys LOVE IT.  They've never seen snow like this in their little lives before! School was closed yesterday so they went sledging in the morning. We were back at school today, but only a small amount of the kids turned up. It was really nice having such a small group there! I was in at lunchtime and then stayed for the afternoon, doing individual reading with the kids.

* I was frustrated by a couple of things at school today. Firstly. Let's just say - as adults we are responsible for ourselves. We are big girls so surely we can't rely/expect others to spoon feed us (not literally!).  Secondly. Do not stifle childrens' creativity. I so believe in NOT restricting how children do things when it comes to them being artistic/creative. There is not only one way to draw a snowflake and who says that an adult's way is the only way, and who is to say how a snowman should look.  It really bothers me when adults want children to be creative - but tell them 'how'  their art should look and insist they alter or amend their work because, for example, the snowman should have an orange nose. I hope this makes sense without me going into too many details.

I'll come back to add pics etc later :)  

1 comment:

Elaine said...

I worked in Sunday school for years Jo, and I know just what you mean, whether it be drawing, acting or worshipping, children have a habit of doing things like....well.. children. And so they should.

Love and blessings